A field of activity originating in a synthesis of the various areas of operation of PLANkon is the energy consulting and planning.
For the efficient, economical and ecological usage of energy we offer studies and advice for house owners, companies, communities and planners. Basis for us is the consideration of the economical and object-related frame conditions.
Our service spectrum for the energy consulting:
- Object-related case studies
- Determination of the consumption of various kinds of energy
- Development of provisions to reduce the energy consumption
- Calculation of energy savings
- Comparison of the profitability of various possible energy sources
- Examination of the capability of regenerative energy sources
- Examination of possible energetic synergy effects
- Search for financial aids
- Calculation and advice with regards to the profitability and amortization of energy saving measures
- Construction documentation and drafts
- Tendering and placing
- Construction supervision
Calculation are computerized and created with a tried and tested software.
Planning documents are created in the desired and required sizes and measures with CAD or manual.